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Introductions thread! Feel free to introduce yourselves. :-)
Asked on 2020-10-07 02:48 by Rachel W.

Response #1
By Greg L. on 2020-10-07 17:38
I'm Greg Lee and here to explore a few options for when I finish school in a few months. I'm not qualified for all the roles that are being posted but am happy to learn from everyone here.

Wojciech G. on 2020-10-08 00:38:
Welcome, Greg! Good luck with finishing your coursework this year. We're happy to have you here.
Rachel W. on 2020-10-08 03:35:
Welcome aboard!
Response #2
By Andres O. on 2020-10-07 23:05
My name is Andres. I am a recent MBA graduate and I hope to learn more about jobs in data science for people without a very technical background. My courses emphasized analytics and I have a strong mathematical and statistical background, but I am definitely not as technically proficient as those who studied data science or computer programming. I also played baseball in college and I tutor college students online in my free time. I look forward to meeting more people and learning more about these opportunities. Thanks.

Wojciech G. on 2020-10-08 00:39:
Thanks for joining us, Andres! There's a lot of opportunities for people who have a mix of business knowledge and comfort with data. Very cool.
Andrea Y. on 2020-10-08 01:29:
Great to see you Andres :)
Rachel W. on 2020-10-08 03:35:
Welcome aboard!
Response #3
By Eleanor H. on 2020-10-09 21:06
Hello! I'm Eleanor. I'm currently working in environmental sustainability specifically with the building industry, but I'm looking to explore ways to pivot into a more data-focused role. The hybrid webinar today definitely resonated with me. I'm making my way through some online DS material and really excited to connect with this community!

Wojciech G. on 2020-10-09 21:08:
Welcome, Eleanor! I think you have a very, very interesting background. I don't see a lot of people with a role in environmental work or the building industry. With the rise of IOT in the coming years, I think you'll be well-placed for some interesting roles and opportunities, assuming you want to stay in the 'building' world.
Response #4
By Samarth T. on 2020-10-09 21:23
Hi all, I am Samarth, a Postdoctoral scholar in Quantitive Sciences (Computational Biology) based in Quebec city with a PhD in Bioinformatics from Goethe University Frankfurt (Germany). Currently, I am looking to transition into a Data Sciences role and always looking forward to improving my analytics skillset. Reach out to me here - LinkedIn or Twitter

Samarth T. on 2020-10-09 21:24:
I am very happy seeing the community grow in Canada and am looking forward to e-meeting or connecting with you!
Loc N. on 2020-10-10 00:09:
Hi Samarth! I do happen to know about BioTuring (based in Vietnam). They're essentially building a data-exploration tool for single-cell research. Maybe a good fit for your skillset. Would you want an introduction? I'm unsure if they'd be open to remote work, but would be a waste of opportunity, no?
Samarth T. on 2020-10-10 01:20:
Hi Loc, Thank you so much for your kindness! I am really looking forward to getting connected on LinkedIn.
Response #5
By Maximillian G. on 2020-10-09 21:43
Hello everyone!

My name is Maxim and I'm currently an associate at an Economic consulting firm. My role involves analyzing data, but in a very niche field (Labor Economics). I'm hoping to pivot into a data analyst role at a larger company where I can apply my current experience in a new setting while also developing new skills. I am currently working towards this goal through self-teaching and also creating a portfolio showcasing my work. I look forward to connecting with you all! 

Loc N. on 2020-10-10 00:06:
Hi Maxim!! Your career path is so interesting. Curious: what do you not like about economics consulting? Also, do you have a portfolio? And LinkedIn too?
Maximillian G. on 2020-10-12 21:26:
Hi Loc! Sorry for the late response. I wouldn't say there's anything I actively dislike about economic consulting, it's been a really great opportunity to develop my data analysis skills. I am keen on exploring other opportunities to to grow and apply my data analysis skills. The work we do is quite repetitive/involves solving the same types of problems (although I always find unique issues with each dataset we receive) and I would appreciate some more variation. More than anything, I think it would be super interesting to work on a team that develops a specific product/service and try something different from consulting. I hope that answers your question! I actually am in the beginning stages of my first project (analyzing formula 1 data) and don't have a formal portfolio together put together yet, but hope to once I have some concrete analysis/insights. I would love to see any work you have done, if possible. My LinkedIn is: Feel free to connect with me there as well.
Wojciech G. on 2020-10-12 21:33:
Do you have the Formula 1 work public yet? I know it's early but I'd LOVE to see it at some point. Also, check out Quantum Black ( they started in F1 data and ended up getting acquired by McKinsey.
Maximillian G. on 2020-10-12 22:20:
Hi Wojciech! Thanks for the link - I'll definitely check it out. I actually don't have anything public quite yet (just finished cleaning/preparing the data) but I'll let you know when my first round of analysis is completed. I would love to have you take a look!
Response #6
By Loc N. on 2020-10-10 00:05
Hi everyone!

I'm Loc - currently enrolled in the Dual Masters @ IE University for Finance & Big Data. Also, I'm the one-man data science team @joinRepublic (leading in the equity crowdfunding space) and @italic (applying a subscription model to luxury D2C products) and I'm starting some stuff on the side with Joon Solutions (data analytics consultancy for enterprise clients in Vietnam).

So I'm here partly to look for clients and/or jobs - and partly to look for people to join all of these companies that I'm working with lololol

Here's my LinkedIn - and email - feel free to reach out to teach me stuff, ask me about stuff, or join me :D

Response #7
By Nishigandha S. on 2020-10-12 12:03

Response #8
By Nishigandha S. on 2020-10-12 12:20
Hi everyone!
Excited to join this community. Thank you Wojciech G. and Rachel W for building this.
I'm a Data Analyst with 5+ years of experience in varied industries Retail, CPG & Media. I have always been curious to decipher a data and interpret a story from it. I'm an MBA in Marketing and a PG in Data Science with proficiency in tools like SQL, Python, Tableau, Knime and more importantly the statistical methods involved.

Currently I'm actively seeking for jobs as a BI or Data Analyst roles where I can put my experience and skills to best use. My last stint was at Sobeys working as an Analyst. You can check out my profile and portfolio on LinkedIn, Git, Tableau portfolio and Blog here.
Glad to e-meet all of you. Hope to land an apt job soon.

Wojciech G. on 2020-10-12 14:04:
Welcome, Nishigandha! We're glad to have you here.
Response #9
By Shawn S. on 2020-10-13 21:11
Greetings! My name is Shawn Syms. I'm a longtime digital professional who has recently reskilled for data science and data analysis. I'm focused at the moment on securing a first data analyst position, and my intention is to continue to improve my math and statistics to become more qualified for data science roles (I did a three-month bootcamp on AI/ML, but it really only teaches you the bare minimum. I'm open to friends and community in the local data community. 

Shawn S. on 2020-10-13 21:14:
I should add for clarity that the bulk of my career experience pre-bootcamp was at small-to-medium-sized digital advertising agences, particularly with a focus on the healthcare/pharma and financial services verticals. When I'm not wrangling data, I'm also a published author of literary fiction.
Shawn S. on 2020-10-13 21:14:
Wojciech G. on 2020-10-17 21:53:
Welcome, Shawn! The combination of marketing + analytics is very valuable. Have you seen Justin Mathew's webinar? Could be relevant to you from this perspective.